
We6: Vocabulary blog

SWOT Analysis
1. The SWOT is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. 
2. The SWOT stand for;
  • Strengths: characteristics of the business or team that give it an advantage over others in the industry.
  • Weaknesses: are characteristics that place the firm at a disadvantage relative to others.
  • Opportunities: external chances to make greater sales or profits in the environment.
  • Threats: external elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business.
 3.  The 2 objectives my competitors about my games's shop.
       - Giving a good service ; service by smiling, willing, and happy to service.
       - Using new game's machines and new high technology of game's machine.
4. SWOT pictures

1. Expertise  (n)  /ˌek.spɜːˈtiːz/
2. Expertise means a high level of knowledge or skill. 
Synonym; professional, experience.
3. i.e. i have no expertise for running business.
Strategic Planning
1. Strategic planning is organization's process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy, including its capital and people.
     2. The relationship between SWOT and Strategic planning; they also use the strategies/methods to manage, consider and plan what the business will be in the future or how business can be successful and how compete to the competitors (find the unique). 3. the strategic planning process
    All strategic planning deals with at least one of three key questions:
    1. "What do we do?"
    2. "For whom do we do it?"
    3. "How do we excel?"
      Strategic Positioning 
    1. Strategic positioning is the positioning of an organization (unit) in the future, while taking into account the changing environment, plus the systematic realization of that positioning. The strategic positioning of an organization includes the devising of the desired future position of the organization on the basis of present and foreseeable developments, and the making of plans to realize that positioning.
     2. Watch the video: Export Marketing Bootcamp -Positioning - Building a Strong Position http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yhzm5Fo6soU   
    (1) Why does a small business owner need to take into account strategic positioning? (Hint: Think about why not care strategic positioning?)  Answer; Because if a small business owner does not has accounting, the strategic positioning of business will be stop, and we will not know how much money that we use for investing and we will not know profit and loss in our business.    
    (2) As a small business owner, what should you consider when finding a position in the market? Answer; as a small business owner, i will consider with; Geography, Product/Service offering, Customer/Target audience, and Added- value/ Differentiation (a unique)  
     (3)  After you find a position in the market, how can you know whether it is a strong position or not? Answer;      
                     1. Own-able; can we do it?      
                        2. Believable; will market believe we can do it?      
                        3. Compelling; to the market, does they care?    
                        4. Different; is it unique? 
    Scarcity (n)  /ˈskeə.sɪ.ti/ 
    1. Scarcity; when something is not easy to find or get. 
    2. Scarce (adj.); it is not easy to find or get. 
    3. i.e.: Scarcity; a scarcity of Toyota's supplies are very weak because there are many supplies in many countries. It will not make Toyota company to be scarce because the price of a car is cheap, standard quality and make many profitable more than other competitors. 
    4. Synonym of scarecity and scarce; infrequent,lack, limited, barely
    5. Antonym of scarcity and scarce; perfect, sufficiency, abundant 

    1 comment:

    1. Nice post. The SWOT templates are very easy to understand. Your answers in strategic positioning are correct. I'm sure you've learned the key term in depth. The synonyms and antonyms of scarcity are correct, too.
