
W1: Vocabularies Blog

1. incubators /ˈɪŋ.kjʊ.beɪ.tər/ (n); a device for keeping birds' eggs at the correct temperature to allow young birds to develop until they break out of the shell.
 In the meaning of business is to grow the company to be better.
i.e. the egg's bird can getting warm and having alive or surviving by using the incubators.

2. Discontinuance /ˌdɪs.kənˌtɪn.juˈeɪ.ʃən/ (u); to stop doing or providing something.
Dis- : means not/ is not/ stop. to show an opposite or negative.
         to show the stopping or removing of a condition e.g. dislike, discontinuance, disconnect.
i.e. the discontinuance of Dtac network is not good for many people in Thailand because it makes people cannot communicate with other people.
Synonym: close, stop
Antonym: open, continuance.

3.Entrepreneur /ˌɒn.trə.prəˈnɜːr / (n); someone who starts a new business or arranges business deals in order to make money, often in a way that involves financial risks.
i.e. Mr.Tan* is Thai entrepreneur that has successful in business in Thailand.
* He is the owner of green tea (Oishi drink brand).

4.Small business (n); is dependently owned and operated and is not dominants in its field.
i.e. there are many small businesses in Thailand such as beach coffee shop.
The small business that has been successful in Ubonratchatani is Man hair shop. 

5. Failure /ˈfeɪ.ljər / (n); when someone or something does not succeed.
i.e. i do not want to be a failure because it will make me to be crazy.
Synonym: loser, fail, succeeder.
Antonym: success, win. 

6. Formal failure; is failure ending up in court with loss to creditors.
    Personal (informal) failure; the owner who cannot succeed voluntarily terminaters the business. 


  1. Hi, I like the picture because it tells me what an incubator is. Cool^^ However, can you guess the meaning of "business incubator from the meaning of "incubator"?

  2. Hi Nui, your blog is very clear. I like this blog because you have an example sentences all of vocabulary. It make me understanding better. Thank you Nui


  3. Good job nui, I like your blog
