
W5: vocabulary blog

Niche     /niːʃ/
The meaningan area or position which is exactly suitable for a small group of the same type in marketing .
For example; J&J point to sell products for health to children and moms.

Trademark  /ˈtreɪd.mɑːk/
The meaning; a name or a symbol which is put on a product to show that it is made by a particular producer and which cannot be legally used by any other producer.
The trademark tells of the characteristics of the corporation; i think it is the unique of the company that will make we know and understanding that making trademark for whom.
i.e. The trademark of apple is very clear and easy to remember.

Royalty fee 
Royal;  the people who belong to the family of a king and queen.
Royalty fee; are usage-based payments made by one party (the "licensee") and another (the "licensor") for ongoing use of an asset, sometimes an intellectual property (IP).
Loyalty; to respect to the king and the queen like honesty.  
The pronunciation of
Royalty  /ˈrɔɪ.əl.ti/   the people who belong to the family of a king and queen.
Loyalty  /ˈlɔɪ.əl.ti/    your feelings of support or duty towards someone or something.

  i.e. the  starbucks in Ubon has to pay royalty fee to the parent company of the franchise.

Synergy  /ˈsɪn.ə.dʒi/
meaning; the combined power of a group of things when they are working together which is greater than the total power achieved by each working separately.
Synonym; teamwork, unity, union
i.e. when we have some projects to do, we should do as a team or synergy.

Franchising  (n)  /ˈfræn.tʃaɪ.zɪŋ/
Franchise (v) to give or sell a franchise to someone.
when I compare the pronunciation in the online- dictionary, there is the same pronunciation but different accent.
franchiser; someone who gives or sells a franchise
Franchisee; someone who is given or sold a franchise.
i.e. the franchising that is very popular in Ubonratchatani University is 7-11.


W4: Vocabulary Blog

1. Consumer /kənˈsjuː.mər /   (n)
 A person who buy goods or service for their own use.
2. Consumerism /kənˈsjuː.mə.rɪ.zəm/ (n)
The state of an advanced industrial society in which a lot of goods are bought and sold.
3. Conservation /ˌkɒnt .səˈveɪ.ʃən/ (n)  
The protection of plants and animals, natural areas, and interesting and important structures and buildings, especially from the damaging effects of human activity.
Synonym: saving,protection
4. Conserve /kənˈsɜːv/ (v)  
To keep and protect something from damage, change or waste.
Synonym: to protect
Antonym: to destroy
5.Recycling /ˌriːˈsaɪ.klɪŋ/ (n) 
When paper, glass, plastic, etc. is put through a process so that it can be used again.
6. "Re" /riː/
 To do something again.
Example; return means  to come or go back to a previous place.
                reuse means to use something again.
                recall means  to bring the memory of a past event into your mind, and often to give a description of what you remember.
7. Ethic/Ethics /ˈeθ.ɪk/ (n)
A system of accepted beliefs which control behaviour, especially such a system based on morals.
8. Business ethic  (n)
A form of applied ethics or professional ethics that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that arise in a business environment. It applies to all aspects of business conduct and is relevant to the conduct of individuals and entire organizations.
Example; Johnson& Johnson company  the Johnson will care the healthy of women and children. There used to happen the problem with the Tylenol medicine and made the baby to be cancer. 
 9. Personal ethics (n)
A category of philosophy that determines what an individual believes about morality and right and wrong. This is usually distinguished from business ethics or legal ethics.
Example of personal ethics
- Justice
- Honesty



W3: Vocabulary Blog

1. Article (n) /ˈɑː.tɪ.kl ̩/
a piece of writing on a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine.
i.e. i write the article for presenting to the boss about the new project.

2. Articles of incorporation (n)
- They are the primary rules governing the management of a corporation in the United States and Canada, and are filed with a state or other regulatory agency.
3. Charter (n) /ˈtʃɑː.tər/ 
- A formal statement of the rights of a country's people, or of an organization or a particular social group, which is agreed by or demanded from a ruler or government.
synonym; renting contract, agreement, allow, contract.
4. Corporate charter (n) 
 - They are the primary rules governing the management of a corporation in the United States and Canada, and are filed with a state or other regulatory agency.
5. Venture (n) /ˈven.tʃər/
-A new activity, usually in business, which involves risk or uncertainty.
6. Joint venture
- it  is a business agreement in which parties agree to develop, for a finite time, a new entity and new assets by contributing equity. They exercise control over the enterprise and consequently share revenues, expenses and assets. There are other types of companies such as JV limited by guarantee, joint ventures limited by guarantee with partners holding shares.
7. C corporation (n) 
- C corporation refers to any corporation that, under United States income tax law, is taxed separately from its owners. Most major companies (and many smaller companies) are treated as C corporations for U.S. income tax purposes.
8. S corporation (n)
- An S corporation, for United States federal income tax purposes, is a corporation that makes a valid election to be taxed under Sub-chapter S of Chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code.
- S corporations do not pay any federal income taxes. Instead, the corporation's income or losses are divided among and passed through to its shareholders. The shareholders must then report the income or loss on their own individual income tax returns. This concept is called single taxation; if the corporation is taxed as a C corporation, it will face double taxation, meaning both the corporation's profits, and the shareholders' dividends, will be taxed.

9. Making sentences of five key terms.  C corporation, and S corporation
-  Articles of incorporation
i.e. My company is making the articles of incorporation with China corporation.
- Corporate charter
i.e. the United State allowed me to write the corporate charter to suggest about structure and planning operation.
- Joint venture
i.e. Thai Washin company a joint venture company with Japanese Washin Chemical company.

-  C corporation
i.e. C corporation  would typically first pay a state corporate income tax on its profits. 
-  S corporation 
i.e. S corporation has only allowable shareholder.


W2: Vocabularies Blog

1. Estate /ɪˈsteɪt/  
(n)a large area of land in the country which is owned by a family or an organization and is often used for growing crops or raising animals.

2. Estate planning  is the process of anticipating and arranging for the disposal of an estate.

3. Family limited partnership 
are frequently used to move wealth from one generation to another.

4. Buy-sell agreement 
also known as a buyout agreement, is a binding agreement between co-owners of a business that governs what happens if a co-owner dies or is otherwise forced to leave the business, or chooses to leave the business. we use the buy-sell agreement when we want to make a trade with another company.

5. Living trust 
a trust that becomes effective during the lifetime of the settlor —called also inter vios trust.